Resonance Supervision - coaching practice


To better identify the presence of resonance
and strengthen his skills of coaching excellence


In client meetings, resonance is always present and often impacts the coach's ability to guide the client. vers la clarification et l’atteinte de son objectif.

Manifestations of resonance can have both positive and very limiting effects for the coach.

Creating a good relationship and knowing the process well are essential foundations for supporting clients.

But to do so without knowing the 4 forms of Resonance, nor integrating strategies to make it evolve towards its Effective form, amounts to leaving a large shadow at the level of relational dynamics, in which we can be carried away to find ourselves lost or confused, to the detriment of effective and supportive coaching with clients. 

To guard against the disruptive effects of resonance and to maintain/renew effective coaching, supervision provides a clear and relevant frame of reference, with tools and strategies conducive to a practice of integrity and excellence.

Impact résonance


To develop a finer awareness and better management of Resonance.

  • Raising awareness among coaches supervised of the impacts of Resonance in their coaching 
  • Getting their attention concerning their points of vigilance to be observed
  • Reinforce key points of their good practice 
  • Enable coaches to refine their level of mastery and effectiveness of their coaching
Accompagnements individuels


The contributions of supervision will allow the coaches:

  • to identify more quickly the key issues in their coaching
  • to intervene in a more relevant way
  • to generate more commitment with their clients
  • to develop a better mastery in their practice
  • to be recognized as exceptional coachesrecommended by more clients 


Supervision includes for each coach:

  • careful observation of their client meeting
  • the completeness of a Resonance Matrix with key moments of resonance
  • A personalized feedback session regarding
    • the course of their coaching practice
    • the evolution of the resonance present during their coaching
    • the impact of the latter on the course of the meeting
    • avenues for the development of resources or reinforcement
  • The delivery of their Resonance Matrix personnalisée for learning support
  • A copy of the reference book "The Resonance" 


Note that supervision can be done in co-supervision with the teacher of the supervised coaches. In this case, my input and feedback will focus mainly on the resonance aspects.

Supervision Praticiens PNL


Supervision sessions are conducted on a daily or half-day basis.

  • Recommended logistics
    • A coaching room with a two-way mirror with an adjacent supervision room, or a clean video streaming system with good sound.
    • A feedback room with whiteboard
  • Weekday and week-end availabilities (agenda à valider)
  • If the place of supervision is more than 1 hour's drive from Montreal, a travel package applies.


The regular rate for supervision, which includes:
. the reference book,
. a training workbook with all the tools and strategies,
is about 350/person

Privileged and packaged rates may apply with the training centres.

La Résonance


For any further information or request for intervention, please complete the contact form.